
Woah, that's big


  • This resource handles many small tasks for the framework

  • Discord Logs

  • Consumable foods/beverages/drinks/drugs (sandwich, water_bottle, tosti, beer, vodka etc.)

  • Removal of GTA's default weapons drops

  • Drug effects

  • Removal of GTA's default vehicle spawns (planes, helicopters, emergency vehicles etc.)

  • Removal of GTA's default emergency service npc's

  • Removal of GTA's default wanted system

  • Useable binoculars

  • Weapon draw animations (normal/holster)

  • Ability to add teleport markers (from a place to another place)

  • Taking hostage

  • Pointing animation with finger (by pressing "B")

  • Seatbelt and cruise control

  • Useable parachute

  • Useable armor

  • Weapon recoil (specific to each weapon)

  • Tackle

  • Calm AI (adjusting npc aggressiveness)

  • Race Harness

  • Adjusting npc/vehicle/parked vehicle spawn rates

  • Infinite ammo for fire extinguisher and petrol can

  • Removal of GTA's default huds (weapon wheel, cash etc.)

  • Fireworks

  • Automatically engine on after entering vehicle

  • Discord rich presence

  • Crouch and prone

  • AFK dection



If you wish to have default hud components like the crosshair you can find them labeled in client/hudcomponents.lua

Config.MaxWidth = 5.0
Config.MaxHeight = 5.0
Config.MaxLength = 5.0
Config.DamageNeeded = 100.0
Config.IdleCamera = true -- enable/disable idle camrea
Config.EnableProne = true -- enable/disable prone
Config.JointEffectTime = 60 -- how long does getting high affect the player?
Config.RemoveWeaponDrops = true -- enable/disable native weapon drops
Config.RemoveWeaponDropsTimer = 25
Config.DefaultPrice = 20 -- carwash
Config.DirtLevel = 0.1 -- carwash dirt level

Config.Teleports = {
    --Elevator @ labs
    [1] = {
        [1] = { --First location of the Teleport
            coords = vector4(3540.74, 3675.59, 20.99, 167.5),
            ["AllowVehicle"] = false, -- enable/disable vehicle
            drawText = '[E] Take Elevator Up' -- Drawtext label
        [2] = { --Second location of the Teleport
            coords = vector4(3540.74, 3675.59, 28.11, 172.5),
            ["AllowVehicle"] = false,
            drawText = '[E] Take Elevator Down'

    [2] = { --New teleport 
        [1] = {
            coords = vector4(909.49, -1589.22, 30.51, 92.24),
            ["AllowVehicle"] = false,
            drawText = '[E] Enter Coke Processing'
        [2] = {
            coords = vector4(1088.81, -3187.57, -38.99, 181.7),
            ["AllowVehicle"] = false,
            drawText = '[E] Leave'

Config.CarWash = { -- carwash
    [1] = {
        ["label"] = "Hands Free Carwash", -- map blip name
        ["coords"] = vector3(25.29, -1391.96, 29.33), -- map blip location
    [2] = {
        ["label"] = "Hands Free Carwash",
        ["coords"] = vector3(174.18, -1736.66, 29.35),

Blacklist ped and vehicle models

Config.BlacklistedVehs = { -- these vehicles will delete themselves on spawn
    [`SHAMAL`] = true,
    [`LUXOR`] = true,
    [`LUXOR2`] = true,
    [`JET`] = true,
    [`LAZER`] = true,
    [`BUZZARD`] = true,
    [`BUZZARD2`] = true,
    [`ANNIHILATOR`] = true,
    [`SAVAGE`] = true,
    [`TITAN`] = true,

Config.BlacklistedPeds = { -- these NPCs will delete themslves on spawn
    [`s_m_y_ranger_01`] = true,
    [`s_m_y_sheriff_01`] = true,
    [`s_m_y_cop_01`] = true,
    [`s_f_y_sheriff_01`] = true,
    [`s_f_y_cop_01`] = true,
    [`s_m_y_hwaycop_01`] = true,


When adding new consumables you need to go into the server/consumables.lua and make that item useable with the QBCore.Functions.CreateUseableItem function more info on how to do that in Server Function Reference

You can also increase the thirst or hunger with ["itemname"] = math.random(-20, -10) or a single number, the only important thing is that the lower number is first

ConsumeablesEat = { -- how much hunger is relieved on use
    ["sandwich"] = math.random(35, 54), 
    ["tosti"] = math.random(40, 50),
    ["twerks_candy"] = math.random(35, 54),
    ["snikkel_candy"] = math.random(40, 50),

ConsumeablesDrink = { -- how much thirst is relieved on use
    ["water_bottle"] = math.random(35, 54),
    ["kurkakola"] = math.random(35, 54),
    ["coffee"] = math.random(40, 50),

ConsumeablesAlcohol = { -- how much thirst is relieved on use
    ["whiskey"] = math.random(20, 30),
    ["beer"] = math.random(30, 40),
    ["vodka"] = math.random(20, 40),


Logs are located on the server side to hide your webhooks form clients you can find them in the server/logs.lua if you don't know how to make discord webhooks click here

local Webhooks = {
    ['default'] = '', --Discord webhooks get put here
    ['testwebhook'] = '',
    ['playermoney'] = '',
    ['playerinventory'] = '',
    ['robbing'] = '',
    ['cuffing'] = '',
    ['drop'] = '',
    ['trunk'] = '',
    ['stash'] = '',
    ['glovebox'] = '',
    ['banking'] = '',
    ['vehicleshop'] = '',
    ['vehicleupgrades'] = '',
    ['shops'] = '',
    ['dealers'] = '',
    ['storerobbery'] = '',
    ['bankrobbery'] = '',
    ['powerplants'] = '',
    ['death'] = '',
    ['joinleave'] = '',
    ['ooc'] = '',
    ['report'] = '',
    ['me'] = '',
    ['pmelding'] = '',
    ['112'] = '',
    ['bans'] = '',
    ['anticheat'] = '',
    ['weather'] = '',
    ['moneysafes'] = '',
    ['bennys'] = '',
    ['bossmenu'] = '',
    ['robbery'] = '',
    ['casino'] = '',
    ['traphouse'] = '',
    ['911'] = '',
    ['palert'] = '',
    ['house'] = '',

local Colors = { -- https://www.spycolor.com/
    ['default'] = 14423100,
    ['blue'] = 255,
    ['red'] = 16711680,
    ['green'] = 65280,
    ['white'] = 16777215,
    ['black'] = 0,
    ['orange'] = 16744192,
    ['yellow'] = 16776960,
    ['pink'] = 16761035,
    ["lightgreen"] = 65309,



RegisterCommand('clientlogtest', function()
    TriggerServerEvent('qb-log:server:CreateLog', 'testwebhook', 'Test Webhook', 'default', 'Webhook Client Side setup successfully')


RegisterCommand('serverlogtest', function()
    TriggerEvent('qb-log:server:CreateLog', 'testwebhook', 'Test Webhook', 'default', 'Webhook Client Side setup successfully')

Discord rich presence

More documentation for this can be found here. The configuration for this can be found in the client/discord.lua

    while true do
        -- This is the Application ID (Replace this with you own)

        -- Here you will have to put the image name for the "large" icon.
        -- (11-11-2018) New Natives:

        -- Here you can add hover text for the "large" icon.
        SetDiscordRichPresenceAssetText('This is a lage icon with text')
        -- Here you will have to put the image name for the "small" icon.

        -- Here you can add hover text for the "small" icon.
        SetDiscordRichPresenceAssetSmallText('This is a lsmall icon with text')

        QBCore.Functions.TriggerCallback('smallresources:server:GetCurrentPlayers', function(result)
            SetRichPresence('Players: '..result..'/64')

        -- (26-02-2021) New Native:

            Here you can add buttons that will display in your Discord Status,
            First paramater is the button index (0 or 1), second is the title and 
            last is the url (this has to start with "fivem://connect/" or "https://") 
        SetDiscordRichPresenceAction(0, "First Button!", "fivem://connect/localhost:30120")
        SetDiscordRichPresenceAction(1, "Second Button!", "fivem://connect/localhost:30120")

        -- It updates every minute just in case.

Rockstar editor


  • /editor - Activates rockstar editor

  • /record - Starts a recording

  • /clip- Strarts to record a clip

  • /saveclip - Saves the clip

  • /delclip - Deletes clip


  • vodka - Consumable

  • beer - Consumable

  • whiskey - Consumable

  • sandwich - Consumable

  • twerks_candy - Consumable

  • snikkel_candy - Consumable

  • tosti - Consumable

  • water_bottle - Consumable

  • coffee - Consumable

  • kurkakola - Consumable

  • joint - Drug

  • cokebaggy - Drug

  • crack_baggy - Drug

  • xtcbaggy - Drug

  • oxy - Drug

  • meth - Drug

  • armor - Gives armor on use

  • heavyarmor - Gives armor on use

  • binoculars - Useable binoculars to look far distances

  • parachute - adds a parachute to the player allowing to deploy it in the air

  • firework1 - Make things go boom

  • firework2 - More fireworks

  • firework3 - So many fireworks

  • firework4 - Looks nice

  • lockpick - The item used to trigger qb-lockpick

  • advancedlockpick - Another item used to trigger qb-lockpick


  • /resetparachute - Returns parachute back to the player

  • /resetarmor- Removes armor and gives heavyarmor back

Last updated