đŽ Client Event ReferenceLearn about and how to use common core client events!
Handles the player loading in after character selection
This event can be used as an event handler to trigger code because it signifies the player has successfully loaded into the server!
Copy RegisterNetEvent ( 'QBCore:Client:OnPlayerLoaded' , function ()
print ( 'Im a client and i just loaded into your server!' )
end )
Handles the player login out to character selection
This event can be used as an event handler to trigger code because it signifies the player has successfully unloaded or logged out of the server!
Copy RegisterNetEvent ( 'QBCore:Client:OnPlayerUnload' , function ()
print ( 'Im a client and i just logged out of your server!' )
end )
On player load this event checks is triggered after checking the qb-core config to see if PVP should be enabled or disabled
Copy RegisterNetEvent ( 'QBCore:Client:PvpHasToggled' , function ( pvp_state )
print ( 'PVP mode has been set to ' .. pvp_state .. '!' )
end )
Arguments Type Required Default
Copy -- /spawnveh adder
RegisterCommand ( 'spawnveh' , function ( _ , args )
local vehicle = QBCore.Shared. Trim (args[ 1 ])
TriggerEvent ( 'QBCore:Command:SpawnVehicle' , vehicle)
end )
Copy -- /spawnveh adder
RegisterCommand ( 'spawnveh' , function ( source , args )
local vehicle = QBCore.Shared. Trim (args[ 1 ])
TriggerClientEvent ( 'QBCore:Command:SpawnVehicle' , source, vehicle)
end )
Arguments Type Required Default
Copy RegisterCommand ( 'deleteveh' , function ( _ , args )
TriggerEvent ( 'QBCore:Command:DeleteVehicle' )
end )
Copy RegisterCommand ( 'deleteveh' , function ( source , args )
TriggerClientEvent ( 'QBCore:Command:DeleteVehicle' , source)
end )
This event can be used as an event handler to trigger code because it indicates that the players data has changed!
Copy RegisterNetEvent ( 'QBCore:Player:SetPlayerData' , function ( val )
PlayerData = val
print (QBCore. Debug (PlayerData))
end )
Arguments Type Required Default
Copy -- /testnotify This is my message, primary, 5000
RegisterCommand ( 'testnotify' , function ( _ , args )
local message = {}
for i = 1 , # args do
message[ # message + 1 ] = args[i]
if string.match (args[i], ',' ) then
local text = table.concat (message, ' ' ): gsub ( "," , "" )
local type = args[i + 1 ]: gsub ( "," , "" )
local length = args[i + 2 ]
TriggerEvent ( 'QBCore:Notify' , text, type , length)
end )
-- Using QBCore's shared functions!
RegisterCommand ( 'testnotify' , function ( _ , args )
local message = QBCore.Shared. SplitStr ( table.concat (args, ' ' ), "," )
local text = message[ 1 ]
local type = QBCore.Shared. Trim (message[ 2 ])
local length = tonumber (message[ 3 ])
TriggerEvent ( 'QBCore:Notify' , text, type , length)
end )
Copy -- /testnotify This is my message, primary, 5000
RegisterCommand ( 'testnotify' , function ( source , args )
local message = {}
for i = 1 , # args do
message[ # message + 1 ] = args[i]
if string.match (args[i], ',' ) then
local text = table.concat (message, ' ' ): gsub ( "," , "" )
local type = args[i + 1 ]: gsub ( "," , "" )
local length = args[i + 2 ]
TriggerClientEvent ( 'QBCore:Notify' , source, text, type , length)
end )
-- Using QBCore's shared functions!
RegisterCommand ( 'testnotify' , function ( source , args )
local message = QBCore.Shared. SplitStr ( table.concat (args, ' ' ), "," )
local text = message[ 1 ]
local type = QBCore.Shared. Trim (message[ 2 ])
local length = tonumber (message[ 3 ])
TriggerClientEvent ( 'QBCore:Notify' , source, text, type , length)
end )
Arguments Type Required Default
Client example (must have the item in your inventory)
Copy -- /useitem sandwich 1
RegisterCommand ( 'useitem' , function ( _ , args )
local item = {
name = args[ 1 ],
amount = tonumber (args[ 2 ])
TriggerEvent ( 'QBCore:Client:UseItem' , item)
end )
Server example (must have the item in your inventory)
Copy -- /useitem sandwich 1
RegisterCommand ( 'useitem' , function ( source , args )
local item = {
name = args[ 1 ],
amount = tonumber (args[ 2 ])
TriggerClientEvent ( 'QBCore:Client:UseItem' , source, item)
end )
Arguments Type Required Default
Copy -- /3dtext This is my message
RegisterCommand ( '3dtext' , function ( _ , args )
local message = table.concat (args, ' ' )
TriggerEvent ( 'QBCore:Command:ShowMe3D' , PlayerId (), message)
end )
Copy -- /3dtext This is my message
RegisterCommand ( '3dtext' , function ( source , args )
local message = table.concat (args, ' ' )
TriggerClientEvent ( 'QBCore:Command:ShowMe3D' , source, message)
end )
This event must be used as a handler when using because it refreshes the core object in your resource
Copy RegisterNetEvent ( 'QBCore:Client:UpdateObject' , function ()
QBCore = exports[ 'qb-core' ]: GetCoreObject ()
end )